Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not Quite in Batanes Yet, Almost

Falowa Ride. Honesty Coffee Shop. Vakul. Rolling Hills. Lighthouses. Batanes.

These are some of the phrases/words I've been googling and wiki-ing for the past weeks.

According to Wiki, the province of Batanes, composed of 10 islands, sits at the topmost part of the Philippine archipelago. About one and a half hours plane ride from Manila. This place has been highly regarded as a prime tourist destination because of its magnificent rolling hills (some saying it can be compared to the ones in New Zealand), famous stone houses that have stood the test of rough and unforgiving weather conditions in the past years, the Ivatans resilience and kindness, and of course, the lighthouses that have become silent witnesses to the rage of the seas and the fury of the skies.